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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 24

<- Wednesday's Food Log

It was a little cooler today, thank heavens. I switched my exercise around, shooting my bow in the morning and then again in the early evening. It felt so good to be outside I ended up taking a walk then too, getting home just at dusk. How Kaylee loves the unpaved trail where the jack rabbits run!

It felt good to be back on track with my green smoothies, and I made a Costco run so I'm stocked up on fresh spinach & fruit, plus huge bags of broccoli and romaine. I thought about taking home a piece of pizza for lunch but it was just a thought and I wasn't that interested. My lunch salad was yummy, and so was my stir fry at dinner - it also felt good today to get lots of veggies in and to use all the Core4 products. I can tell this is one good day that is going to lead to another, as if I've turned a mental corner.

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