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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 30

<- Tuesday's Food Log

I felt heavy this morning, or rather, I din't feel lighter. Last night's depression hadn't lifted, plus I woke up wondering about my finances - not a good way to start the day right now. I'm suppose to be losing weight, sharing the Core4 products and earning money so I can work from home. That was the plan. So right now I need to focus on the inches I've lost, keep exercising, and per a conversation with a friend who is losing using the products I need to make sure I am eating enough calories. She says 1600 a day if my goal right now is 160#'s. I'm probably eating around that, less some days, but I will go back to tracking calories for a few days to make sure a 'normal' day is enough calories. She also said that to have a 2 week plateau is normal, and to start taking a 2nd Accelerate in the morning to jump start my weight loss.

My lunch salad was wonderful, the home made cilantro dressing a success, and then afterwords I made a dent in the yard work out back. Since I had pancakes for breakfast I made a green smoothie for an afternoon snack and to get my Lean in for the day. Nectarines are so sweet right now, it was delicious.

We met the kids at the fair for a small birthday celebration, and so potato chips & funnel cake were my dinner; I have to say I missed having 'real food' and it wasn't quite as fun as I thought it would be to splurge on some junk. What was fun was watching the guys on two crazy rides that I couldn't even watch they made me so dizzy. It was good to get out of the house, but all in all it was a quiet, strange day. I miss my good mood, I wonder where it went.

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