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Monday, July 27, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I love visiting my Mother and friends, but it's always good to be back in my own little house. I made my lean smoothie for breakfast at Mom's before driving home, then on the way had a spicy chicken sandwich for lunch with some Cheat. I think that's the first chicken I've had in two years; I'm not sure why I wanted it so much, I think it was more about the tomato and spicy sauce but just forgot to say "no chicken and extra tomato please". Well, that's not exactly true, I think I wanted the crunch too. But I know it was way more calories than I normally eat for lunch because here it is eight hours later and I'm finally just now hungry for dinner. So a cup of potato soup for dinner to tide me over, because it's almost time for my Flush. And I just realized that before I would have had dinner anyway just because it was dinner time - that's the Accelerate again I think, which I had with lunch, helping me pay attention to if I am hungry or just eating out of habit.

Lots to do this week. Lots of shooting to get ready for the weekend, a ton of lemons to juice & freeze and some Plumeria cuttings to plant (thanks Teffie*) plus I need to make it out to my DD's to help her get ready for some company she's having next weekend. And I have the baby to watch for about 13 hours on Sunday. I'm so use to doing so little that it's a bit overwhelming to think about everything all at once, so enough of that! But I know I will have the energy to get it all done, and I'm looking forward to staying busy.

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