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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just another day

Back to business as usual today. Having my green smoothie ready in the fridge kept me from wanting any left over pizza for breakfast. Then a wonderful salad at lunch, a peach & Lean shake for snack around 3pm and home made bean soup full of sun dried tomatoes for dinner. Finally, the 2nd half of my peach for dessert (these are big Costco peaches.) Simple, healthy, tasty, filling food that leaves my body full but not stuffed. Once you start eating for nutrition and delight in how it makes you feel there is no going back. While I wanted all the treats I ate yesterday for various reasons, I am much happier not eating them and it always feels better to have a healthy day of nutrient dense fuel.

All in all, just another easy day of using the Core4 products, walking & shooting for exercise, and staying busy. I started working on trimming the tree in the driveway, and cleaning up the front flower bed - it feels so good to 'feel' like getting things done again. Thank you Accelerate!

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