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Friday, July 17, 2009

Bathing suit weather

My foray into the world of pancakes this morning was less than stellar. I had a craving for dates, so blended up a few with the water before folding in the pancake mix. I also threw in the last tsp or so of flax meal. Having noticed that the last pancake is always fluffier than the first, I let the batter sit for about half an hour before heating up the griddle pan. Maybe I did start with the heat a tad high, but immediately turned it down when the first side browned (I'm being kind to myself here) so quickly. Even keeping a careful watch the second side was quick to follow in colour before leaving the pan. And no better luck with the next three either. Dark, dark pancakes with a slightly singed flavour that I covered over with a lush strawberry & honey compote hot out of the microwave. I guess there was just too much sugar in the dates and it quickly burnt even though it was in batter? Next time I will just make a date sauce to go over the top of the pancakes.

Warm summer weather has finally caught up to us, and today I put on a bathing suit for the first time this year. In some ways the last few years are a blur, but I don't think I put on a suit even once - not that I kept on and wore anywhere. But my DD and her friends were taking the babies to the wading pool this morning and I wanted to go play. The last time I went I had on shorts and wanted to get in the water and couldn't, so this time I was determined to get in past my knees. To my amazement I wasn't horrified by my reflection! While still fat, I seem to have lost much of my dumpy outline. My thighs are smoother, and my back no longer sports rolls of fat. I had noticed my hips being less 'hippy' the other day, but it was even more apparent in my tankini and I could pull down the long suit top over my hips and not have it ride up around my waist! How delightful to get to the pool and feel okay about taking off my t-shirt and shorts to get in the water. Was I a bathing beauty? Absolutely not. But I feel closer to being myself today than I have in a really long time, and I am grateful for these products that are giving me my shape back. Oh the joy of holding my granddaughter's hands and guiding her through the water instead of watching from the sidelines.

My usual big salad with beans (I never tire of this) and some Cheat for lunch. Then in the afternoon my honey was napping when I wanted my Lean shake, so instead of running the blender I just threw a scoop of cheat in my water bottle and shook it up - it wasn't bad at all, milder than other protein shakes I've used, but I missed my peach blended up in it. Then out to dinner since my honey's DD was over and we chose Chinese. One pot sticker and Cheat on my veggie chow mein - very good. Oh, and one Bud lite; I guess two beers in one week is okay. I really noticed a dip in my appetite at dinner today, and I'm guessing it's because I took my 2nd Accelerate with my afternoon Lean instead of with lunch. Hmmmm.....

Then to finish off the evening an email from an old online buddy who has ordered product my from website and will start on Monday! Checking my CNI account I saw that a friend of his and one of mine had already ordered product without letting me know - and just like that I'm on my way!

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