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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 27

<- Saturday's Food Log
~*!*~ Happy 4th of July~*!*~

Knowing we would be on the road early tomorrow I made a double batch of smoothie this morning - a full blender of yumminess - and saved half of it for Sunday morning. Then sad news, the kids next door lost their mother, which brings up all sorts of feelings I don't want to deal with. My honey asked me to pick up dinner while I was out getting flowers, and of course I turned to comfort food - because no matter how good my intentions, sometimes a moment catches me off guard. I doubled up on the Cheat since I figure the amount they gave me was probably two servings. Another question to ask my upline. Later we grabbed one of our new neighbors and some light beer and headed for a nearby hill to watch the fireworks across town from a distance. They were pretty, but it's better to be under them. Sigh, a sad day.

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