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Friday, July 31, 2009

Another day with little food

A green smoothie with Lean for breakfast, then off to the archery range for one last practice before the competition this weekend. I can't believe it's August. I wish Core4 had been ready last year so I could have been down the 50 pounds I wanted to lose this past year before Nationals. But I am much trimmer and stronger than I was 2 months ago and feel great and ready to compete.

My Honey chose Hooters for lunch because he was craving deep fried pickles. I do indulge him sometimes, and ended up eating curly fries for lunch. I did shake Cheat on the catchup I was dipping them in. What a horrible lunch!

I had the grand baby all afternoon and grabbed a quick 6" pizza with soy mozz and sun dried tomatoes for a snack at 4 while she was napping, then wasn't hungry for the rest of the evening. I did make a Lean shake for dessert but wasn't hungry and just put it in the fridge for the morning.

So another day without much appetite. I've been told we need to eat when we feel this way, but it's such a novel experience! Tomorrow we go check in for our archery event and today my little Cheat packets arrived just in time to take with us this weekend. Much better than having to take the whole bottle, these are single serving packets that are perfect for pocket or purse. I also got the Core4 shaker bottle that I had ordered for my honey and it's so cute! I'll add a picture when I get a chance.

Monday will be two months on Core4 and time for another set of pictures. While the scale seems to be stuck at 194.8 this week, I continue to feel leaner and can hardly wait to see the difference! It's a good thing I have something else to focus on this weekend.

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