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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday plans gone awry

One of my favorite sayings is, "If you want to see God laugh, make plans." We intended to shoot at Mt. Madonna today, it was their annual Bug Shoot with fun 3-D targets. I woke to find myself unprepared, having forgotten to make my morning smoothie the night before and hadn't set the alarm early enough to make it in the morning. Mickey D's was our stop for breakfast; having pancakes was not on the plan for my 'no grains' week, but oh well - I had Cheat in my purse. AND I had a sausage patty - I haven't done that in years but wanted protein and all of a sudden it sounded good, of course in retrospect I feel a tiny bit guilty. Oh well, not dwelling on it.

As it turns out it was way too hot to stay and shoot, 100's instead of the 80's we expected, and we came home before we ever started. We did end up stopping at Trader Joe's to pick up walnuts and some other 'healthy' supplies on the way home, my SO started the program yesterday and he picked up some orange juice and lite vanilla soy to make 50/50 shakes with the Lean.

Lunch was a big salad, using half a roasted veggie enchilada and some hot sauce smashed up together for the dressing and sprinkling on some more Cheat. Then I took the time to make a double smoothie; fresh strawberries, Odwalla Superfood, walnuts, spinach, a bit of rum extract & 2 scoops of Lean. I had to get the strawberries used up so I blended them first and filled a container for the fridge to use later, only using about a cup for the smoothie. One for a snack this afternoon and one for sometime tomorrow, probably breakfast.

Dinner was small but tasty and satisfying. But once again I hadn't been thinking about grains when shopping earlier and had picked up some skinny pizza crust that had spicy cooked spinach on it. I added some grated motzerella soy cheese, fresh basil and sun dried tomatoes for a small six inch pizza that I zapped in the microwave and then added my 3rd serving of Cheat for the day.

So not my usual food today, plus it's so hot I never did get out to exercise. I made sure to get enough water in, and noticed that even though I spent some time reading (always a trigger to snack) I was able to just stick with dinner and not keep eating while I read. I didn't even have my usual fruit for dessert, I think because I had my Lean smoothie in the afternoon. Didn't I notice that before too? I'll have to go back through my journal and look. Maybe I should do that more often instead of having it for dessert so I'm getting in the nutrition earlier in the day.

Tomorrow is my weekly weigh & measure, so I'm crossing my fingers.

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