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Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 29

<-Monday's Food Log

Well, I wasn't happy with my numbers this morning; I'm not posting until Wednesday morning, giving myself the full month, which is silly since I have been doing weekly updates. Suffice it to say that for this week I am not happy. That little voice of despair is trying to get my attention and I keep pushing it away. It did feel good to get out and walk, and there is nothing like noticing a slimmer shadow to buoy my mood in the morning.

The mornings are cool again and I took the time to make pancakes. I only had two instead of the whole batch (4) and I did use my Cheat. So yummy and satisfying. Then for lunch I used some home made beans from last week and some green enchilada sauce to make both a bean salad and soup this afternoon - spicy and yummy. Spending the day catching up on laundry and household stores may not sound like much, but it sure felt good once it was done. The Accelerate definitely makes a difference in how active I am now, without interfering with my sleep.

Left over soup from a different batch last week, this time with wild rice, made an easy dinner, but definitely not enough calories and I had fruit for dessert. At least I had a nutritious day!

But still, when all is said and done I am fretting about my weight and wondering why I'm not losing. Do I really want to do a 2nd month? I need to call and get some upline support, but I don't want to call and admit I'm not losing despite my slimmer figure - somewhere inside is that insecure little girl wondering what I am doing wrong, wondering why the magic isn't working or if I am just being impatient.

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