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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day Six

:: Saturday's Food Log ->
Didn't weigh this morning - it was cold, and I had nice warm jammies on, and ... enough said.

Started the day by planning out meals, and refilling my am & pm pill boxes for the week; I'm a little scatter brained and have been doing this for years - it works for me. Of course it was after I added the Lean to my smoothie this morning that I realized I might be going about this all wrong. I often have a green smoothie in the morning that gives me good energy and keeps me satisfied till lunch, so why am I adding the Lean to this? Instead of working myself into a tizzy I picked up the phone to get some answers, and I am so glad I did. The most important thing I found out is that I can use the Cheat in liquids, it doesn't matter if it absorbs the liquid before it hits my stomach, it's still going to work the same at eliminating calories once it gets there. Knowing I can still make veggie soups for dinner will make my meal planning easier. I was struggling with how to get in the Lean as a meal replacement and still have two 'dry' meals where I could use the Cheat and I don't have to do that. I can go back to my regular routine, making a nutrient dense smoothie in the morning, then using Cheat at lunch and dinner even if it's soup on the menu for that day. I can add the Lean to my morning smoothie like I did today or have it as a snack in the afternoon depending on how I feel that day and what my schedule is. I guess I should have made that call earlier in the week; I wasn't doing anything wrong, but I'm more confident about using the products going forward as a part of what is normal for me. And of course in my conversation I got to hear about another whole group of people using Core4 and getting great results; SO FUN!

I got more done for the garage sale today, enough that I won't feel overwhelmed when I take stock Monday morning with five days left to prepare for the city wide event. This leaves me free to play tomorrow and we are heading out of town for the day; I'm taking my Cheat on a short road trip ;)

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