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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 11

196.2 :: Thursday's Food Log
I'm so close to a new low, I can feel it coming. I need to remember that muscle is both smaller than and weighs more than fat, and that with this new energy level I am exercising more & increasing my muscle density. This is why the tape measure is so important to a healthy weight loss as opposed to just a water weight loss. So I measured just my waist over my PJ's and I'm down a full inch now in less than two weeks - I have to be happy about that number :)

Breakfast: I heard on the call last night that mixing in a scoop of Lean with oatmeal and applesauce is like Apple Pie Ala Mode. While I didn't have applesauce on hand I did have my blackberry (fruit only) jam, and together with the Lean and flax meal it was very good. I did add a drizzle of honey to complement the flax; very filling and satisfying.

Knowing I would be out working in the got garage I chopped enough veggies at lunchtime so that I could have another salad for dinner; just keeping it cool on a hot day. Who knew re-fried beans and Caesar dressing went so well together! I'll have to do that again.

And I almost sprinkled some Cheat on my watermelon for dessert but that felt silly so I didn't. But I did hear someone say to sprinkle it on everything. Maybe next time. Another good thing about doing this is that I am paying closer attention to getting my daily water in, where I wasn't being so fastidious before.

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