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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 15

<- Tuesday's Food Log

Really pathetic reading back through yesterdays log & entry; is depression creeping back in? The signs are there. No, I think I just exhausted myself physically and mentally over the weekend. So many thoughts of my son Joey (passed 2/16/06) coming across pictures and some of his things and his not being here to help was just a little too much and I kept pushing those feelings down so I could get the work done and put on a face for the crowd. I'm feeling more balanced this morning, more on the even keel I've managed to attain.

Breakfast: Used some left over banana\walnut smoothie and mixed in a scoop of Lean - so yummy. This gave me an idea. Make up a batch of green smoothie in the big blender, then divide it between the four magic bullet cups, cover with saran wrap and store in the fridge. Then I have 4 nutritious shakes ready to mix on the Bullet with a scoop of lean at any given moment. Brilliant!

Lunch & dinner: A wonderful, crunchy, creamy salad at noon, but I need to get back to making my own dressings. I also realized that the tea I bought on sale is one that lists 'natural flavors', a sure sign of glutamates, and I've been drinking a pot a day. No wonder I've been craving carbs, and this would explain the drop in mood mentioned above too. I'm throwing the rest out, I've learned enough about my body in the last couple of years to know I don't tolerate an excess of those - we get enough naturally without overdosing from the food industry.

I did remember my Cheat today, even using it on the veganaise I dipped my artichoke in. Looking forward to another good day tomorrow, despite my appointment with the EDD and the traffic I will have to navigate.

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