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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 12

196.5 :: Friday's Food Log ->

Discouraged this morning I turned to pancakes & jam. At least they weren't from Mickey D's and full of oat bran. But I did use my Cheat, and I've sent a big mental finger pointing to my fat saying "resistance is futile!" in my best Jean Luc Picard accent. Needing some encouragement I turned once again to the tape measure, and it's not just my waist, I'm down an inch each at my hips and bust too. Whoo hoo!! And I'm wearing a top today that hasn't fit in years, another good sign. So I'm very pleased after all :)

My freezer has decided to take a break, so frozen entrees for dinner tonight. Felt actually okay to be eating the mac n cheese since I could put the Cheat on it and really enjoyed it; I rarely indulge in cheese anymore so what a treat.

Busy days today & tomorrow getting ready for the garage sale; I need to remember to take care of myself - the garage sale doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to BE!

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