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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 17

<- Thursday's Food Log

Swollen again this morning, but today's water & sweat should take care of that. I forgot about eating the Cheetos yesterday, no wonder! I had a great workout this morning, doing my shooting\push-ups circuit right after walking.

Sometimes cleaning out the fridge is a great way to create a new salad and lunch was delicious, crunchy and satisfying. I wasn't that hungry and I saved half my morning smoothie to use with some Lean in the afternoon; quick and easy.

Then, since they recommend using the Lean twice a day (at least one of them a meal replacement) I decided to make another shake for dinner. So delicious, and pumped up with extra antioxidants from the cacao. This worked out perfect since I needed to go grocery shopping and the fridge is looking pretty bare. Murphy's Law being what it is, my honey then whipped up some spicy rice & sausage and it smelled so wonderful I had a small bowl; perfect time for some Cheat! It had been a while since I had eaten any meat (and this was pretty rich) and my tummy was a little upset for a bit, but some sleepy time tea helped settle things down.

Oh, I keep forgetting to mention, I love opening the bottle of Flush at night - it has a wonderful scent of India; cinnamon and 'curry' aromas are so comforting to me.

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