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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 20

<- Saturday's Food Log

I was up early making breakfast to eat on the go while we drove to Sacramento for an archery shoot. I couldn't seem to pass up ordering a biscuit from fast food when my honey got his breakfast - sort of a palate cleanser between toothpaste and smoothie. Then since lunch was paid for as part of the entry fee, I ate more crap I shouldn't have. Then on the way home ... I'm so easily corrupted; my honey wanted ice cream and he got no argument from me! Three hours of shooting in 100 degree weather, sweating in the sun the last hour, always makes me feel like I deserve a treat :)

And then arriving home to 105 degree weather, we ordered in pizza for dinner. Could this day have been more of a food fiasco? I will make different choices when we go back to shoot next weekend - days like this cannot be excuses to indulge in gluttony. Yuck. I did use all my products today, but still - I feel so overfed and undernourished and I hate that feeling. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins, right?

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