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Monday, August 31, 2009

Lean porridge hot!

Today started with a rather cool morning in the midst of our hot spell and it had me warming up some left over buckwheat cereal for breakfast. Blending in a scoop of Lean and fresh pears made a wonderful sweet & hot breakfast, the Lean adding a creaminess and it's vanilla flavour adding that cobbler taste; just yummy as I guess I noted earlier in the week ;) It's so easy to make four servings of cereal and put three of them into containers for later. Adding in fruit and the Lean later is a snap for a quick breakfast, whether you're eating it at home or taking it to work for later. I was listening to one of the calls and they spoke about cooking with Lean, so I might add it to my pancakes next.

Lunch was left over pizza, thank heavens for the Cheat! I absolutely love cold, left over pizza.

I've added a small note to my blog on the upper right corner listing the weekly call schedule. On each call there is always a testimonial or two, and the calls are led by top people in the company and are great sources of information. I encourage you to call in and hear the excitement about this rapidly growing company that CNI has become, as well as to hear from other's like me who are losing weight and inches, feeling better and stronger mentally, and getting a handle on their health as they start moving more and seeing results and feeling good about themselves. Of course it's also fun to hear about the money :)

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