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Friday, August 7, 2009

Crossing my legs

I wanted to keep this journal updated daily, but when you are full of energy it's sometimes hard to remember to sit down and write! We spent some more time out at the stadium in Stanford watching friends compete, and while shifting around to get comfortable, I did have a personal moment up in the stands that I would like to share. I can cross my legs! I mean, I could cross them before, but would have to make sure the foot of my top leg was braced against something to keep it from sliding off the bottom leg. I realized all of a sudden that my top leg was resting comfortably and staying in place and my foot was swinging free! Whoo hoo!!! All the way home I kept crossing my legs, first this way and then that, and sure enough my legs are just enough thinner to make this a comfortable and easy position. I think of how many times I have grabbed my shin or pants to pull one leg over the other and then cramming myself into a position where it would stay put ... and I let the gladness of this new ability wash over me. Funny how it's the small simple things that bring home the reality that I really am getting smaller. So noticing last week that my legs were thinner wasn't a fluke, and this week I have the proof :) Oh, and feeling lighter this morning I did weigh and saw 193.6 for the first time - goodbye 194.8!!!

ps Blending 1/2C orange juice, 1/2C cold water, 1/2C frozen blueberries and 1 scoop of Lean is my new favorite fast and easy shake.

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