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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pancake with Lemon Date Frosting (&Cheat)

Another cool morning considering it's still August, and I wanted a warm breakfast. There was just enough Oat Bran pancake mix left for one pancake (half a batch) so I mixed it up with 1/2oz ground walnuts for that iHop Harvest Grain effect. I was out of honey, and maple sugar too, so I started thinking about what to dress it with and my eye landed on the little baggie of fresh lemon juice. A strong memory popped up of sprinkling pancakes with powdered sugar and then squeezing lemon over the top - a childhood favorite - so I started thinking what I could do for sweetener when I saw the bucket of dates in the fridge. In the end it was 3 fat dates blended in my magic bullet with 1T brown sugar and 2T fresh lemon juice that made the sweet\tart frosting that you see here. And of course my sprinkles of Cheat on top. In the 2nd picture you can see how the Cheat has started changing and how the frosting is now glistening. This was quick to make, so delicious, and very filling. I got in my omega 3's early, fiber and micronutrients from the dates and lemon, and the Cheat will take care of the sugar ;)

A delicious and warm way to start the day, I know I will be doing this many times in the coming cold season!

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