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Friday, August 28, 2009

More loose bottoms

I felt thinner again this morning getting dressed to walk, my walking pants fitting on me instead of stretching around me. I've been sort of unfocused this past week, wrapped up in Farm Town and not taking care of business! But I have been walking regularly and getting out to the driveway to shoot my bow, and even gave an impromptu Core4 presentation to the AT&T gentlemen who dropped by (yes, we're converting from Dish to their fiber optic network!) One of the things I love about sharing the products is that it can be a spur of the moment affair as I move through my life; much better than sitting at a desk for hours at a time as I use to do.

I wish I had taken the time for food pictures today. My breakfast was so pretty (buckwheat cereal with Lean stirred in and chopped fresh pear on top) and lunch would have made a good picture too (garbanzo's smashed with avocado, green olives & onions & chopped kale wrapped up in a corn tortilla with some shakes of cheat.) But it's a busy day so far and I've miles yet to go! I love spending Friday getting ready for the weekend and straightening up after the week :)

Time for an Accelerate, a big glass of water, and running errands!

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