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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3 Months on Core4

The time is flying by and it's hard to believe it's been 3 months since I first started using the Core4 weight loss program. I was a little disappointed this morning seeing that I had only lost another half inch on both my waist and hips, but my Honey made it better by saying that I looked smaller as we headed into the living room to take the pictures (which I still hate but feel compelled to do.) So total inches lost is now 19! My lowest weight was 192.2 (down from 198.6) so almost six and a half pounds - not very impressive if I just look at the number, but there is so much more to the story. How solid my muscles are, the definition of my arms - the wobble is almost gone from my biceps - and the endurance I am noticing on my daily walks. Now when I walk I make sure I get up to a heart pumping pace for most of it, holding my stomach in and breathing hard, instead of just taking a walk with the dog.

I also need to add that this past month was very different for me in that I was no longer in 'training' mode with my archery and succumbed to the addictive lure of Farm Town on Facebook, so my behind was planted in a chair for many more hours than I would like to admit and yet I still lost another inch and a pound.

So I am once again headed into another month of Core4, and this time I am counting on it to get me through what has typically been a hard month for me these past few years since losing my son. If I need comfort food I will use my Cheat, if I feel like retreating to the couch I will take my Accelerate, and I will start my days with the Lean in a green smoothie so that I at least get off to a good start each morning. I will not gain back weight this month! Core4 is going to make the difference, I just know it.

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