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Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

It's a new year and I'm glad to be back posting and ready to track my progress again. Those of you who know me personally realize I still struggle through the holiday season, but I am done with that and ready to make another weight loss dent. I plan to be in Vegas competing at the NFAA archery tournament over the weekend of 2/19-2/20 and I want to show up leaner and more fit than I have in recent years. So for the next six weeks I will be here chronicling that challenge to myself, posting as much as possible, and arriving lighter and leaner at the end of that short time.

My plan of attack is ... to just use the Core4 products consistently, including using one Lean shake a day for a meal replacement Monday thru Friday. I am lucky to have a gym buddy and we will walk 2 treadmill miles several times a week, and at home I will practice shooting my bow in the driveway each day. I'll throw in some push ups too because I think that really helped at the National Senior Games this past summer, building my upper body strength. Okay, and I love that my 'old lady' arms are toning up nicely. And that's about it. Eating for nutrition most of the time, using the Core4 products, and listening in to the CNI calls each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday since they are announcing something new.

6:00pm PST each Mon, Tues & Weds at 212-990-8000, enter pin 2644# - Call & listen in on the announcements for the new product and the excitement of the new year.

A quick recap of the last two months since posting. I used the products through the holiday season and haven't gained any weight despite my efforts to consume mass quantities of chips, chocolate and cookies. I did walk several times each week, and most days had a green smoothie with a scoop of Lean. Last week we stopped at Chevy's for an early dinner in the bar on our way home from the movies (and buttered popcorn sprinkled with Cheat)and I noticed I could feel bones between me and the barstool. Bones, through my deluxe padding, so funny! So the products continue to work, and I am ready to work too, cutting out the extraneous comfort food I indulged in over the holidays and working my way back towards "normal" so I can reap their best benefits.

I would love for you to join me. If nothing else, please visit my website and sign up for free (big orange link at top of page) and browse around. Then click on the Learn More link under that to see the quick product reviews. CNI will be the Facebook of health and weight loss as they continue to add to their website, including work outs, recipes and testimonials.

Thanks for checking in with me, give me a call with questions or just to chat.

Happy New Year!

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